
Terror be gone!

I know all of my loyal readers (Are we up to 4 now?) are waiting for me to follow up on Friday's post with a desperate tale of six hours in the trenches with the Brett Boys, covered in strawberry jelly and poop, staring at walls covered in permanent marker and a ceiling dripping with tapioca.

Well guess what? It was easy. Ha! Can you believe it? I started the day scratching notes on little piece of paper but if I were to detail its contents in this post, it would bore you to tears (9:15 - Rose out. 9:45 - Peter awake. 10:00 - Vincent & I do dishes, Peter in papasan.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.) So instead, I'll give you quick highs and lows.

#1 HIGH: I actually got the both of them to take a nap - AT THE SAME TIME. No sh*t. Don't ask me how. And no - there were no sedatives involved, Kevin.

#2 HIGH: Vincent helped me do the dishes. Afterward we gave his "Snow White guys and the dwarfs a bath."

#1 LOW: I pinched Vincent's finger in the DVD cabinet door while feeding Peter. The consoling was a little tricky with the both of them.

#2 LOW: Changing both of their diapers in immediate succession. This one doesn't really count because Rose hadn't left.

So all in all - we all did fine. Nothing blew up. No one threw up. Daddy didn't give up. God save coffee. Sorry I couldn't give you more dirt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why is Vincent washing the evil (yet suprisingly hot) Queen in a sink of beer?