
The Questions

Vincent and I were driving alone together yesterday and he was particularly talkative. He asked a sequence of questions and I followed with responses. Responses have been left out to protect the bored. The questions are the best part.

This was sparked by me pointing out the mechanic's shop where Mommy and Daddy get their cars fixed. Vincent chimed in with "They get WASHED and filled with OIL!" Then the questions:

"What's oil?" (followed by my response)

"What's rain?"

"What's lightning?" (a common question now that summer t-storms are here)

"What's thunder?"

Then the final question in the series...

"What's Mickey's House?" (Meaning Mickey Mouse. Completely unprovoked, unrelated and perfect.)


Kevin Regan said...

No seriously though, what the hell is Mickey's House?

Anonymous said...

According to Wikipedia, Mickey's House is "home to the Big Mac." That's Vincent for you. Always thinking.


Scott said...

What's the allure of Mickey? He's not funny. He sounds retarded. And he's not even in anything anymore. And yet every kid knows him. My son knows about him and I have no idea how. Damn you Mickey!