
5:30 AM

So Peter's been making a bit of a habit of waking up around 5:30 most mornings. We've tried to stop it but when you hear a 9 month old calling from his room in the pitch black hours of the early morning, there's no defense. Side note: "BAAAB" is Peter's main word lately. It's meaning ranges from, "Gee whiz Dad, this muesli is delicious." to "I MUST HAVE THAT LINT!" It's usually the word we wake up to.

Rose and I have been taking turns waking up with him, which at least gives us both every other morning off. Unusally enough, I've found that after a couple of weeks of doing this, something strange is happening.

I actually kind of like it.

Don't get me wrong. I prefer sleeping until my designated time of 7:00. It's just that with my work schedule, I'm out of the house from 8 AM until 7 PM, so I barely get to spend 2 hours with the boys each weekday. So on these mornings, after I take 5 min. to shake the concrete from my brain, Peter and I get to hang out, watch a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, crawl around on the floor and enjoy some bleary-eyed merriment. I feed him breakfast, maybe get a headstart on the coffee, and enjoy some time in my super domestic bathrobe. Yes, I have a bathrobe. I'm 75 years old. Rose got me one for Christmas and it's awesome. I never thought I'd own one, but man - when it's 13 degrees outside and you live in an 80 year old, drafty house, it's like wearing a giant blanket with arms.

So if you're trying to reach me for some reason and can't get me during the day, give me a call around 6. Hell - stop by. But bring your own robe.


Anonymous said...

sweet! can I swing by and grab some coffee and cereal? 5:50 am sound good? -cb

Jim said...

Definitely. Trader Joe's Cheerios w/ Berries work for you?