
Vincent: 1, Clowns: 0

Vincent's thoughts on clowns are well documented.

It seems he's not alone. Check out this link. Clowns are "universally disliked." I guess well all kind of knew it. I've never really heard anyone say, "Man - I'm totally into clowns."

Thanks to both Aunt Theresa and Auntie Kate for sending the article completely independent of one another.

Photo note: I know it looks like he's hurting him but he's not. It's just where his hand lands.


Kyle J said...

over in nj, we like clowns because they're silly and funny and have enormous shoes!
you've never watched bozo the clown?!

Kyle J said...

oh p.s., i can totally understand a kid being afraid of/not liking clowns, just don't know why adults don't like them, let alone mascots.