I had solo duty tonight and during the boys' dessert, Peter decided he had to poop. He alerted Vincent and I to this fact, to which Vincent replies, "Thanks for telling me, Pete." We all shared a laugh at that, Vincent proud of his sarcasm.
A while later, after the deed had been completed, I was changing Peter and Vincent was hanging out close by for whatever reason.

I was talking nonsense to them, as I'm prone to do at 8pm on a weeknight after a long day and I said, "Yep - you did some poops, Pete." To which he replied, after a perfect comic pause,
All three of us laughed heartily, Peter proud of his sarcasm. Or proud that he made his Dad and big brother laugh.
We've been saying it for a while but there needs to be a playdate. The Farandaz, the Brettz and the Kate & Kylez. This needs to occur.
just leave your z's at home, Jim.
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