
Pictures? No. Penises? Yes.

I'm sorry but my father-in-law (the oft-mentioned "Chief") has borrowed my home computer for a few days, thus leaving me photoless. Are you mad? You come here to see photos of my kids. I won't kid myself. Sure, the writing entertains from time to time but that's not the hook.

Soo....what should we talk about? Oh yeah - penises.

Pete is discovering the wonders of his own...um...situation. And his brother's. He finds his own in the tub, feels around a bit, laughs. You know the deal. Like any man. And if Vincent leaves himself unguarded for a few seconds?
Pete just doesn't know the barriers yet. He's learning. Speaking of which, here's a conversation we all had just the other night:
Pete (getting his diaper changed): "Pieshy! (Italian colloquialism for penis).
Me: "Yep. That's your peishy."
Pete: "Vincent have pieshy. Peter have pieshy. Daddy have pieshy. Mommy have pieshy."
Me: "No Peter, Mommy doesn't have one."
Pete: "Buy one."
Me: "Buy a pieshy?"
Pete: "Yeah. For Mommy."
Me, feeling awkward: "Um. Where do we buy one, Peter?"
Vincent overhearing, mockingly: "The Pieshy Store, Pete?! The Pieshy Store! (laughing)"
Me: sigh
Yep. We're raising two boys.


Angela said...

I can't wait.

Jim said...

Yeah - get ready to play referee.

Bald Ben said...

I still get the urge everytime I see Pepe to give him a shot in his Pieshy. Good times

Jim said...

Get him, dude. Get him. Honk.