In fact, it’s become a daily occurrence just outside of our kitchen window. Not only do we have several different bird species making our humble birdfeeder their daily breakfast, lunch & dinner stop, but we have a couple of brazen squirrels on the scene as well. They climb up the tree, out onto the branch and suspend themselves, sometimes upside down, in such a way as to tip birdseed into their mouths or down to a waiting accomplice below.
The boys like watching them as much as they like scaring them away. It’s only a couple of minutes before they’re back performing their stunts. I wonder if I can train them and put on shows around the neighborhood. Involving the boys would make it even more lucrative – two cute kids and two (sometimes three) acrobatic, fearless woodland creatures. There’s something there.
In this economic climate, the little buggers have to do something to earn their keep.
The squirrels, that is.
if you need to borrow a squirrel trap let me know
For real?
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