
Change is Good

We’re still in the process of making our new home into our new home. We’ve still got boxes and stuff sequestered in certain spots throughout the house, and when Rose has time during the week between containing two young boys and taking clients, she digs through.

She decided to collect all the change we’ve been keeping in Tupperware and random tins and turn it in for paper money. Guess how much it totaled?


Am I crazy or is that ridiculous?! We had nearly a hundred bucks just lying around the house in change. Is this weird?

What did we use it for? Well my friend, I can hardly wait to tell you. It was very exciting.

Groceries for the beach.

If you think $91.00 is a lot of change to have around the house, please comment as such. If you think it’s pithy and a waste of a perfectly good blog post, please tell me that as well.


Susan said...

I think the blog is perfect! I collect change from under my bed, in my nightstand drawer, under furniture, and all the other places that stuff gets under. I put it in a container and cash it when I am ready for a trip to Atlantic City. Lat night I cashed in $119!!! Spare change is great!!

Have fun at the beach!

Jim said...

Wow - you've got me beat Susan!

Kevin Regan said...

I recently cleaned out the couch cushions and cashed in the change...$3,418,234.

I have drug king pins over every Wednesday to watch Project Runway.

Jim said...

Can I borrow a few hundred bucks?


Anonymous said...

I want to know more about this couch of Regan's. I seem to remember sitting at his place once and low and behold no walet the next day. Although change aside, I want to know more about Rose's "clients". You really need to be more specific, Jim.

Jim said...

Your curiosity is appreciated but will soon get you into deep water.



Anonymous said...

i come here for the kids, not for the money!

Dr Zibbs said...

One time I pulled up a couch cushion and there was an entire safe full of gold. Swear to God.