So it’s been a couple of weeks of showing off photos of the boys, finding out what people I went to grade school look like now, updating people when I drink coffee, and fending off the relentless photo tags. I mean, I’ve tried to forget 7th and 8th grade. Please don’t force them back upon me with your suddenly massive photo collection.
I have to admit that it’s been kind of fun (read: obsessive) but I have a feeling that I’m in the honeymoon stage. I’ve heard several FB vets allude to the fact that they’re “done with it” for various reasons. Can’t say I’m there yet but I wonder how long it will take.
That said, I’ve started to think about my sons growing up in this new world. One where there’s no disconnect between the stages of your life. With things like Facebook and quite simply, the internet in general, they’ll be able to keep all of their distinct sets of friends at their fingertips for as long as they choose. Our generation didn’t have that. At the end of 8th grade, if you were going to a different high school, it was, “Peace man. I’ll see you at the bars the night before Thanksgiving in 8 years.”
Now, the kids that were your friends when you’re eight could potentially be joining you at the bars. Could know when you become a parent almost the instant it happens. They’ll know the precise moment you’re hungry for a granola bar or when you “just can’t deal with Mondays.”
You simply won’t lose touch. Is that good or bad? Does life have a way of filtering through your friendship network? And how young will kids start getting into Facebook? I can see the status updates now…
“Just finished Green Eggs & Ham. Was awesome.”
“Nothing like that fresh diaper feeling…”
“When will Mom stop trying to wipe my boogies!!! Aaaaah!”
“Dude…Ricky just could not get those macaronis to stick to the paper in art class. Did you see him!?”
“…is being made to go to bed! Backyardigans isn’t over!”
“…is going to Chuckie Cheese!!”
So until I get sick of it, I’m going to stick this thing out. Let’s see how many “friends” I can accumulate. Let’s hope I’m done with this by the time Vincent has his own profile.
'At the end of 8th grade, if you were going to a different high school, it was, “Peace man. I’ll see you at the bars the night before Thanksgiving in 8 years.”'
Classic. Good stuff here as usual, buddy.
“Just finished Green Eggs & Ham. Was awesome.”
Hahaha. I honestly think this is realistic. I feel like when I have kids, I'll have to yell at them to stop texting while I change his/her diaper.
"Dad's changing my diaper right now. He sucks at it. Uh-oh - he's about to get a surprise..."
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