
Take the Chachi Week of Excitement Quiz

It’s easy! Just answer each question below correctly and you could win…erm…something awesome! Just match the child with the action that occurred this week. Answers will be revealed in several days, or whenever I think we’ve got enough entries. Let’s go, friends! I’ve included several other kids’ names just to keep it interesting.

1.) This week, this child, in a manner of 2 seconds, removed his nightlight and stuck a small rosary crucifix into the electrical socket, rendering his mother jelly-legged but otherwise, remaining completely unscathed:
a. Vincent
b. Peter
c. Reggie
d. Lionel

2.) This week, this child opened a box of Nerds™ acquired on Valentine’s Day and quickly dispersed them throughout the entire lower level of our house:
a. Vincent
b. Peter
c. Sven
d. Both a & b

3.) This week, this child hopped into an elevator at Longwood Gardens and immediately closed the door, going down, then back up by himself until weeping and terrified, he was rescued by a Longwood Gardens employee who waited with him until his grandfather and brother arrived after going down then up themselves in Abbott & Costello-like fashion:
a. Emmet
b. Joe
c. Peter
d. Vincent

4.) This week, this child hurled a bowl filled with delicious rice crackers (Soy sauce, flax and sesame flavored. Seriously badass. Trader Joe’s. We dip them in hummus.) onto the family room floor while laughing hysterically.
a. Caroline
b. Peter
c. Carmela
d. Vincent

5.) This week, this child farted deeply then laughed heartily, which was awesome:
a. Peter
b. John
c. Walter
d. Vincent

6.) This week, this child jumped into an indoor fountain (shallow) at Longwood Gardens. In his clothes. And shoes.
a. Stanley
b. Vincent
c. Peter
d. All of the above

7.) This week, this child peeled a 6" x 2" section of painted drywall off of a stair kick while no one was looking.
a. Roger
b. Vincent
c. Kevin Regan
d. Peter

8.) This week, this child slept the entire night in his own bed, only waking up once.
a. Tatayana
b. Luther
c. Peter
d. Vincent
*I had to put one good boy thing in here. I mean, everyone’s still fine. It was just kind of a crazy week.

There you have it, readers. Get yer answers ready. Rose and I are gonna go drink a lot of wine.


Anonymous said...

I think Ricky did it.

Unknown said...

Hey Jim- well I think they're all Peter except the last one. He is definitely a force! That was a fun quiz- can't wait for the answers! Lots of love xxx

Theresa said...

Hi Jim,

Looks to me like Pete had a wow of a week!! His picture says it all! However Vincent is becoming the best sleeper so the last one is his.


Aunt Theresa

Theresa said...

Good Morning Jim,

Looks like Pete had a wow of a week!! His picture says it all! I know Vincent is becoming the best sleeper so the last answer is his.


Aunt Theresa

Bald Ben said...

I'm not sure who did it, it wasn't me. That's all I am saying. However I do have to point out that I did try to jump on one of the over sized lily pads at Longwood Gardens when I was 6 or so.

It seemed like a good idea. How was I to know all the cartoons and movies I had watched actually had their own brand of physics? I have to blame my parents for pushing such an over inflated sense of reality.

Anonymous said...

It must have been Kevin Regan because my wonderful boys could never do all of that bad stuff!