Around the time I started writing it, one of Vincent's favorite beverages (still remains a favorite) was chocolate milk. Being 2 years old, he called it, "chachi milk." Pronounced like the Happy Days character. As in Joanie loves.
At the time, he was asking for it maybe 54 times a day so after being inspired by my friend Scott's blog, but not having a title in mind, I went with "chachi milk." Just idiosyncratic and silly enough to work.
Well of course, now that Peter is nearly two, possessing of advanced language skills and a lover of that revered beverage, we've got an alternate pronunciation. "Chocky milk." As in, rhymes with "Rocky silk."
What's a guy to do? Vincent has long since dropped his original pronunciation so "chocky milk" is really top of mind. I mean, Pete says it maybe 89 times a day. Example:
Me: "What do you want to drink, Peter?"
Peter: "Chocky milk."
Me: "Let's have something different. It's getting late and that has a lot of sugar."
P: (unwavering yet matter-of-factly) "Chocky milk."
Me: "How about plain milk?"
You see what I mean. Is this the end of an era? You decide.
Seriously. You decide for me. I can't.