An excerpt from a conversation between Vincent, Auntie Kate, and Mom-Mom that took place on Friday, April 18, 2008. It's moments like this that lead me to believe children are actually against us. They secretly deal in the power of cuteness that will eventually melt our parental resolve thus allowing unlimited candy, Disney guys, and down the line - automobiles and video game systems. Evidence? Read on.
Mom Mom: Auntie Kate has to go now.
Vincent: Why?
Auntie Kate: I have to go to the Doctor.
V: How come?
AK: Because I need a check up.
V: Are you sick?
AK: No, she's just going to look at me.
V: Does anything feel....not good?
AK: No, I'm ok cuteness.
MM: Do you think she'll have to get a pinchy?
V: (nods) Are you gonna cry?
AK: I hope not!
MM: Well you better give her a big hug and kiss goodbye.
V: (hugs and kisses Auntie Kate)
MM: I bet that will make her happy all day!
V: I bet that will make her happy when she gets her pinchy so she doesn't cry!
They're out to get us. You've been warned.
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