Over the past two weekends we've sufficiently Christmafied the Chachi House. We popped up the tree (Sorry - not real), adorned places with all manner of holiday ornaments and goodies, and hung the lights from the front porch. Vincent stayed outside with me the entire time we hung the lights! Don't worry, folks. He's pneumonia-free and it was about 45 degrees on Saturday. And he had a heavy coat and hat. Really.
We're fairly traditional in our holiday....um....traditions, so we stopped by the mall for a photo with Santa, but no dice. Vincent took one look at the abnormally tall (seriously) mall Santa and his gloves (a deep fear, rivaling clowns) and said, "I want to go the other way."

So Rose is going to take Peter back one day while Vincent's at school to get a shot. How she's going to explain that to Vincent, I don't know. I'll let her handle that one.
We even helped Vincent write a letter to Santa (shown here). It might be tough to make out so here's the translation:
Dear Santa,
I let Mommy sleep on the couch and I was a very good boy and big brother so I would like some presents please Santa.
*Dorothy & Toto
*Flying Monkeys
*Disney Guys - Pirates of the Caribbean
*Few Games
Man - whoever helped him write this letter sure doesn't know about run-on sentences, does she? Let me explain a few things. The sleeping on the couch thing refers to one day recently when Peter was already napping and Vincent was peacefully watching a show. Rose drifted off for a moment and Vincent didn't wake her. After she woke up, she thanked him for letting her catch a few winks. This + being a good boy and big brother = presents.
The Dorothy, Toto, Munchkins, and Flying Monkeys he's referring to are Wizard of Oz character guys/dolls he's been into since discovering the movie. The Disney Guys are self-explanatory...I think. He has since rescinded his wish for Pirates of the Caribbean ones in favor of Toy Story - fyi.
As you know, Peter can't really write yet so I've taken the liberty of writing his letter to Santa, with the assistance of his publicist.
Dear Santa,
I've been a really funny, sweet, and cool kid over the first seven months of my life. I think this alone warrants gifts, don't you? Howzabout we get right to it? Here's what I want:
*Not to have a cold anymore
*To be able to eat Vincent's popsicles
*To be able to eat Vincent's granola
*To be able to eat Vincent's toes
*Not to have so much damned saliva pouring from my mouth while at the same time getting some of these teeth on their way out
*More chewy blocks
*Less whiskery kisses from Daddy
*More boobs
And - whatever else you'd like to send down. Thanks so much.
Your pal,
That's really the gist. Decorations, lights, run-on sentences, flying monkeys and boobs! It's Christmas in Chachiland!
We're fairly traditional in our holiday....um....traditions, so we stopped by the mall for a photo with Santa, but no dice. Vincent took one look at the abnormally tall (seriously) mall Santa and his gloves (a deep fear, rivaling clowns) and said, "I want to go the other way."
So Rose is going to take Peter back one day while Vincent's at school to get a shot. How she's going to explain that to Vincent, I don't know. I'll let her handle that one.
Dear Santa,
I let Mommy sleep on the couch and I was a very good boy and big brother so I would like some presents please Santa.
*Dorothy & Toto
*Flying Monkeys
*Disney Guys - Pirates of the Caribbean
*Few Games
Man - whoever helped him write this letter sure doesn't know about run-on sentences, does she? Let me explain a few things. The sleeping on the couch thing refers to one day recently when Peter was already napping and Vincent was peacefully watching a show. Rose drifted off for a moment and Vincent didn't wake her. After she woke up, she thanked him for letting her catch a few winks. This + being a good boy and big brother = presents.
The Dorothy, Toto, Munchkins, and Flying Monkeys he's referring to are Wizard of Oz character guys/dolls he's been into since discovering the movie. The Disney Guys are self-explanatory...I think. He has since rescinded his wish for Pirates of the Caribbean ones in favor of Toy Story - fyi.
As you know, Peter can't really write yet so I've taken the liberty of writing his letter to Santa, with the assistance of his publicist.
Dear Santa,
I've been a really funny, sweet, and cool kid over the first seven months of my life. I think this alone warrants gifts, don't you? Howzabout we get right to it? Here's what I want:
*Not to have a cold anymore
*To be able to eat Vincent's popsicles
*To be able to eat Vincent's granola
*To be able to eat Vincent's toes
*Not to have so much damned saliva pouring from my mouth while at the same time getting some of these teeth on their way out
*More chewy blocks
*Less whiskery kisses from Daddy
*More boobs
And - whatever else you'd like to send down. Thanks so much.
Your pal,
That's really the gist. Decorations, lights, run-on sentences, flying monkeys and boobs! It's Christmas in Chachiland!
Another winning entry. Merry Christmas to the entire Chachi crew.
-the narberth blooms
Remember me...mom-mom Carol's friend? Love the new pictures and the boys letters to Santa. Hope they get what they wish for! Merry Christmas!!
Boobs should've been higher up on the list.
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