Over the past three weeks,
The Wizard of Oz has been the major obsession of our household. By household, I mean Vincent. Who knew that a
film from 1939 could relate to a nearly 3 year old in 2007? Now I could do a whole list of fun facts about the film that I rip from Wikipedia. That wouldn't be much fun though, would it? Okay - it could be fun but it wouldn't be original.
So instead I bring you, 10 Things We at Chachi Milk Have Noticed About The Wizard of Oz After Watching it Daily for Three Straight Weeks:
The talking apple tree throws like a girl.
One of the main Munchkin characters (the Coroner? Mayor?) lived on the street I grew up on in Broomall, PA. I'm not kidding.
The Lion has all the best lines. "Pullin' an ax on me, eeaay?" Classic.
Snowfall cannot just wake you up from a poison poppy-induced coma. It's just not possible.
The Tin Man's singing in "If I Only Had a Heart" is questionable. Not to be confused with Judy Garland's singing, which is perfect throughout.
The string arrangement in The Munchkinland Sequence is bad*ss.
The farmhands names are Zeke, Hunk, and Hickory (later known as Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Cowardly Lion). Yes - Hunk.
Continuity Alert: When the the Wicked Witch hurls her fireball at Scarecrow, the Tin Man takes off his hat to douse the flames. He then puts it back on. After a cut away, it cuts back to him and the hat is facing the opposite direction (3 weeks straight. Everyday, people.).
The tornado effects are particularly amazing. I mean - it was 1939.
Why do they call the Wizard, "Oz" if he's the Wizard of Oz? Isn't Oz the town? He clearly states that he's just recently dropped in and become the Wizard. Did he change his name to the town's name?
And one last bonus point: What is a dingaderry?
There you have it. Feel free to add your own. It's a long, weird movie that's chock-full of fun. Watch it 67 or so times and we'll chat.