
Holding Pattern

Well - today's the official due date for Brett Boy #2. Yep. All that stuff they tell you about 2nd children arriving before their due date most of the time - LIES.

We were pretty active this weekend as well. Went to the playground, the mall, hung out outside. Rose even went over to the gym for an hour and rocked some power squats (250 lbs.!). Still nothing.

Each day I arrive at work to mouths agape simply because I'm arriving at work. "Any word?" "What's going on?" "No baby?". To which I reply: "Nope." "Still waiting." and "Yep - he's right here under the desk."

It's all part of the deal, I guess. At home, every movement, wince, and exhale for that matter gets met with a "You okay?" or a "What's up?" I'm that annoying. She has an appointment today, so I can only predict Rose will say "Listen Doc - can you get this kid moving today so my husband will stop?"

So you'll all hear something soon, we hope. Or not.


Anonymous said...


The gaping mouths at work are due to the fact that, despite countless warnings from HR, you still refuse to wear pants.


Anonymous said...

Michael Jackson keeps a kid under his desk...but that's different.